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Learn All about Data Science; Join PG Diploma in Data Science at UMU

Data science is an interdisciplinary discipline concerned with scientific methods, procedures, and technologies for extracting knowledge or insight from various types of data. The  PG Diploma in Data Science course  at premium Usha Martin University provides students with all of the conceptual and technical competencies needed to succeed in the analytics sector. The course exposes learners to business analytics using the most popular analytics technologies, such as R and Python, and teaches them how to use data science concepts like data exploration, visualization, and hypothesis testing. Special emphasis is placed on Machine learning algorithms for regression, classification, and clustering. The program is specifically designed for students who want to improve their Data Science skills. After completing this one-year Postgraduate Diploma Course students can become competent Data Science professionals by mastering Data Visualization, Artificial Intelligence & Neural Networks, Explo

Complete your Data Science Degree with Industrial Collaboration from IBM

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that involves extracting knowledge and insights from data using various techniques, algorithms, and tools. It is an amalgamation of statistics, mathematics, domain expertise and computer science to analyze and interpret data sets. Data Collection:  Gathering relevant data from various sources, such as databases, APIs, sensors, or web scraping. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing:  Removing irrelevant or duplicate data, handling missing values, and transforming the data into a suitable format for analysis. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) : Performing initial visualizations and statistical summaries to understand the characteristics and patterns present in the data. Feature Engineering:  Selecting or creating relevant features (variables) from the available data that can contribute to the predictive or analytical models. Model Selection and Training:  Choosing an appropriate algorithm or model based on the problem at hand, training it on the labeled