B.Sc. (Hons) and Ph.D. in Agriculture programs at UMU

Agriculture is integral to the Indian economy, and the sector has been rapidly evolving through application of latest technologies. With innovations, the scope for professionals in the field has widened. The B.Sc. (Hons) and Ph.D. in Agriculture programs at Usha Martin University focus on providing practical knowledge and equip you with the skill set required for new-age career profiles in the domain. Develop the foundation for careers in research, quality, finance, production, marketing, food processing, manufacturing, and more. Gain the professional edge, and contribute to the growth of the sector. Apply for our programs in Agricultural Science.@ https://www.ushamartinuniversity.com/admission-open/bsc-agriculture-course.php

#UshaMartinUniversity #AdmissionsOpen2020 #AgricultureprogramsatUMU #practicalknowledge #careeroppportunities


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