USHA MARTIN UNIVERSITY - The Best Innovative University


Knowledge is a very versatile resource that can create new knowledge, improve efficiency and increase the productivity of the system by producing competent graduates. A pre-requisite for achieving this goal is that every higher education institution reviews re-engineers and repositions itself to continuously remain relevant to the evolving environment. Moreover, to respond to the enormous challenges of new and emerging realities, be better prepared for years ahead, it must strive for quality and excellence in education, training, skills, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Usha Martin University is dedicated to offering cost-effective quality education for the sustainable and inclusive development of society in the state of Jharkhand. It has set very pragmatic benchmarks to take this society from stagnation and isolation to dynamism and inclusion, from marginalization and deprivation to empowerment and recognition and from ignorance and delusion to enlightenment and liberation through the offer of education.

Offering Multifaceted Learning             

The University offers a wide range of programmes in Business Administration, Commerce, Computers, Engineering, Social Sciences at levels ranging from diploma to undergraduate to postgraduate and doctoral degrees. It proposes to add professional programmes in Law and Education with the approval of national statutory bodies, besides vocational programmes such as tourism, hospitality, taxation, Artificial Intelligence, and more. Students can choose a programme as per their career goals and interest consistent with their past achievements.

We have a firm belief that a grand edifice can be raised from quality material. That is why we have put emphasis on providing excellent infrastructure, technology blended education while creating enough e-resources. Moreover, the quality of academic transactions in the classrooms enable our learners to be competent entrepreneurs in their own right; our teachers instead of being sages on the stage act as guides by the side of the learners and help them navigate through their chosen programme of study successfully.

The education offered by Usha Martin University is comparable to the best in the country. With the latest course curriculum for all programmes, the University imparts training in skills and competencies necessary for the contemporary world of work.

Avenues for Research

Research is the finest outcome of human intellect and only when the particular emphasis is put on fundamental research and that too at the frontiers of a subject would a university find a place on the academic map and products of the system would be accepted by employer groups in national and international job markets. Usha Martin University is committed to the culture of the generation of new knowledge among both its learners and academics.

The research degree programmes of the University both at the M.Phil and Ph.D. level are geared towards innovative projects in emerging knowledge areas that have regional and national relevance. As of now, research degree programmes are offered in the English, Management, Commerce, Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology and we intend to diversify the offerings in coming sessions.

Spearheading Skill Development

Responding to the national call for large-scale skills development initiative to impart 21st-century skills, the University has designed well-defined skills-based programmes that enable learners to acquire suitable competencies in their chosen domain. The University, in consultation with the industry and other employer groups, is preparing to offer customized short duration training modules on identified skills.

Some of the identified needs and skills-based programmes include communication at the workplace, taxation, hospitality management, and tourism, supply chain and logistics, cyber security, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data.

Supporting Innovation

To build and sustain an ecosystem of supporting innovation and creativity in the region, UMU facilitates a clear action research-based approach in its undergraduate and postgraduate projects. Learners are asked to take live projects for their project activity throughout their programme duration and the University awards the most innovative project which finds an actual application in industry or community. Likewise, innovations in pedagogy, discipline-based research or processes resulting in teaching-learning effectiveness or cost-effectiveness in University operations by University teachers are duly acknowledged and rewarded.

Does This College Suit You? Start With Application

The University assures its learners of a rewarding and productive academic journey, resulting in employable competencies and life skills in their chosen domain of studies. Responding to the latest reforms introduced by the UGC on offer of flexible, choice-based programmes, the UMU has adapted by blending academics with corporate culture through the intense university-industry interface. This has allowed us to present a rich curriculum. It strives to minimize migration of human capital and conserving financial resources of the state by developing individuals of high caliber endowed with entrepreneurial skills who can become job creators instead of mere job seekers and help provide career opportunities to the local youth in the state itself. By sharpening the skills and competencies of its learners in an extremely conducive learning environment, the University seeks to equip its graduates with a keen understanding of the dynamics of the global job market in the framework of sound ethics and corporate governance.

We work closely with industry and other employer groups to ensure that our students are regularly exposed to the world of work and contribute to it through attachments and internships. The objective to do so is to enhance employability and develop the capacity to positively contribute as soon as they enter the job market. The success of an academic institution depends on its intrinsic ability to ensure delivery of education by first rate teachers, intellectuals and researchers. Similarly, the quality of a student is determined by the academic achievements and imbibed values such as integrity, high moral character, honesty, and dedication. The UMU seeks to operate in an environment which promotes value-based education rooted in our culture and ethos while at the same time shaped by contemporary realities of the evolving workplace. The competencies and core values gained at UMU prepare its graduates well for the highly dynamic world.


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